1. I was stationed at Fliegerhorst Kaserne from September 1974 till December 1976 with the 2/75 Field Artillery unit. I was originally assigned to Headquarters Battery in the Fire Direction Center (13E20) and reassigned to Alpha Battery as the chief of the FDC. I enjoyed my time there and the people I was stationed with. Myself and two of my friends (Vince Ehlert and John Gaithersburg) occasionally played guitar at a little pizza joint right outside the gate called Mario’s. Nice memories…

    1. I arrived in A Btry on September 21, 1976 as a young private recruit. I was in 4th Section and at the time we had a black heavy set SSG as the section chief. He retired in December 76.

  2. My dad was Sgt/Major Floyd under General Kerwin, 1960 -1963, He was there when President Kennedy came to visit and ate in the NCO Mess (I have pictures) (before the president’s assassination). Sgt Dewey was at the gate as an MP. I have three brothers (Mike, Steve, and Doug) and one sister (Lisa). My mom was pretty special with all of the NCO wives and their children. It was a unique time and is wrapped up in some very significant happenings and sweet memories!

  3. I was looking for Thanksgiving recipes in my collection from over the years when I saw one where I’d written a note that I’d made it at Fleigerhorst Kaserne, our first year of marriage, 1967. My husband was Captain
    Jeff Thimsen of the 122 nd maintenance battalion.

  4. I was stationed at Fleigerhorst Kaserne from 1977 to 1979. Many memories. When I first arrived it was known as the 11th Aviation Battalion and then turned to the 503rd Combat Aviation Battalion. Was a clerk typist for Headquarter and Headquarters at the Battalion headquarters under Colonel Grey. Lots of partying at the EM club and in Erlensee, Hana’s and Frankfurt. Remember being there when Elvis died, a sad day for everyone. Great memories.

    1. Out the gate and 1K to the left was an extremely loud German bar, crash, boom, bang every night. A Texan GI figured in this loud, dangerous place…was invited back to run the place – he accepted but changed his mind when he got home. Everybody knew the whole story. He roamed Fleigerhorst doing nothing. Scary character. Had a habit of pulling sergeants aside and threatening them with bodily harm. Saw this myself. This was in the ’63-’65. Wonder if this saga spread later?….like the Sept. 1960 artillery round at Graf that killed 16 in tent city.

      1. I was in tent city the day they overshot the impact area; we 10-12 tent rolls down from where the round hit. Damp and misty that day, was standing in the supply tent when the round came in. Very sad day for everyone. I was in Co D Heavy tank battalion 33rd Armor Division. Fragment of the shell hit one of our tanks parked just below tent city. Stationed at Fliegerhorst from 59-62. Darrell Israel (nick name Jack)

        1. Required reading for seasoned Fleigerhorst:

          MY AMERICAN JOURNEY: COLIN POWELL – close by when the round landed on tent city; GUNS AT LAST LIGHT, by Rick Atkinson (about D-Day); GOOD-BYE TO ALL THAT by Robert Graves, autobio. writ at age 33, World War One mortal enemies come out of their respective trenches on Christmas day to play a game of soccer. I’ve written up my Army experience (did nothing), from Fort Dix Basic Trg. winter of 1963, coldest winter in 200 years, to rattling beer bottles at the Fleigerhorst EM Club (Steak dinner Sat. afternoon $1.25 – 1963 thereabouts). My book out soon, but don’t hold your breath!

        2. Hello Jake – Bill Butler here. Looks like you and I served in the same company. I arrived to the unit in May 1962. To tell you the truth, while undergoing tank training at Ft. Knox was trained on the M-60 and was surprised to find out the unit had the M-103 with the 120 mm gun. I remember that winter – the coldest in years – spending it in Graft. I also remember Mike Tucker, Rick Brewer and Speedy Gonzales, Maybe we bumped into each other while there. Served with the 33rd Armor until 1963 and moved to Ray Barracks, Friedberg as the newly formed 3 MTB 32nd Armor until discharged in Jan 1965.

          1. We just missed each other I left Germany in Feb of 62. Do you remember any other names of guys that were there when you arrived? Was the sign still out in front of the building with the two 120mm shells?

  5. I was there September 1968 to April 1970. 6th of the 59, a Hawk Missile unit. Great place to be stationed. Clean like Germany was and still is. It was one of the only Army bases visited by President Kennedy in the early 60’s. He didn’t think it was a shithole. I’ve been back to Germany more then 50 times since I was discharged. Even visited the base till just before it closed down. It still looked good. Now it’s been redeveloped and is a clean, well run industrial park.

  6. SSG Deutsch ( at the time), you were my Plt Sgt and motor pool Sgt, 1982. Good to hear from you.

    1. Maurice, I was in B Battery 2/75th in 71-74. I loved it over there..

        1. I think I remember you. Was you the guy that actually had long hair but kept it tucked in your hat so nobody knew how long it was. And I believe you had an awesome stereo system with big speakers..

          1. Were you….

            Was B Battery on the 2nd floor of billets facing what we called “Red Square”? Alerts @ month, 8″ howitzer tracked? Looking for comparisons to ’63-’65. Fascinating to hear of GIs rotating in and out whole decades after you’ve implanted your whole life and crossing off days on the calendar, pyschologically thinking that the whole unit began and disappeared with the first sergeants and COs you knew, only to be informed that a whole new set of characters comes in. What day did the mess hall serve S.O.S.? And other nonsensical questions….

            1. Yep B battery was 2nd floor. I was a cook in the mess hall behind our barracks .

  7. I was in service battery 2/75th. I was the PLL clerk in the motor pool. Sgt Farmer.

    1. Hey Sgt Farmer, Dale Becker here! SSG Kibey was our Motor sgt . How are you? I hope you remember me. If you check in again please call or text me 512 789 7855. I always liked your quiet and easy going personally. You must have PCSd/ ECSd about summer of 85?I hope the years and life have been kind to you!

  8. I was stationed at Fliegerdump from 1989-91 in A/3-20th FA. Place was a run down shit hole. Thank goodness we deployed to Desert Shield/Storm in 1990 and came back six months later to deactivate.

    1. Scott, straightforward info maybe better. Fleigerhorst a “run-down shit hole”? How so? Compared to what?

      1. PX Was with HQ Btry 2/75th building 1367 from 1964 to 1967. First Shirt was Jacob J. Amaro, Btry CO was Capt Jenks. Some of my buddies were Thomas Spitzley (COVID took him home to God last year), Milton Milstead, Msgt Church, Sgt Hoger, an Indian we called DULL KNIFE (cANT REMEMBRER HIS REAL NAME, BEST TIME OF MY ARMY LIFE! I totally loved my time there!!!

        1. It’s a mind-bender to hear of people (G.I. phase) talk about Fleigerhorst mentioning friends and accomplices that were years and years into the future for me. I guess it’s always like this. People peel away one at a time, rotating home, becoming a civilian, and typically not even bothering to trade addresses. CO’s, 1st Sgts, sections. I’m always interested in knowing if the EM Club was still operating…imagine the profits….unbelievable.

      2. I was with 227th Aviation Mainenane, we had the bar in the basement and then the new barracks and what a party great softball team too,88-89

      3. it was a good shit hole to me miss it if I only new then what I know now would have been a great shit hole a lot of fun anyway

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